Tokina introduces a new apsc diagonal fisheye lens, looking really close to those latest Chinese ones we have seen so far. Manual focus lens, de-clicked aperture, looks like lens cap and the removable hood can be bought separately if lost or broken. The lens can be put on a full-frame camera, and without the hood seems to produce a decent cropped circular image, just a bit on the small size.
Christopher Frost is known for his no-frills, well-done equipment reviews, and has a good amount of followers on YouTube. He is competent enough, but his main (and rare) quality is his ability to be tidy, organized, and precise, he notices details, and he goes straight to the point. He found out that the “moderate fisheye effect” of the Tokina is very close to the one obtained with Samyang 8mm f2.8, so he gave me the information I needed, it’s a stereographic projection lens!
Also from the video we come to know that image borders are bad, afflicted with high level of chromatic aberrations and coma, and flare can include big circular rings when a light source is in a bad position, so I’d not choose this lens for 360 panoramas, even less for a 3 or 4 shots panoramic use on a full frame camera, unless you are playing with underpaid real estate jobs. Zenith and nadir would be ok only if ceilings are plain white and nadirs are patched with a logo or saved with a 5th shot.