Years of production: 1979-1982 starting from sn. 178051
This model has a wider aperture and is lighter than the previous one, has the new AI look and a different rubber and texture on the focus ring, 2 orders of rectangular blocks. Same optical design of the previous model but now there are 180° on the frame diagonal. Filters in this version are 4, rear bayonet-type: L1BC was on the lens. The other filters, O56, A2, B2 were inside a blister included in the package and named CA-2. The blister is in a kind of faux leather that degrades in time and for unknown environmental reasons.
NEVER BUY A 16MM 2.8, IN THE AI, AI-S, OR AFD VERSION IF IT HAS NOT THE L37C FILTER ON THE REAR LENS. It will affect field curvature and focus capabilities because it is PART OF THE OPTICAL DESIGN.
Aesthetically the lens is easily spotted because of the larger focus ring with 3 rows of rectangular checkers on the rubber, and the PRECIOUS metal cap.
- the always helpful source of info is the MIR