Kyu-hachi TABATA’s self made sky-camera,
made out of a 16mm KMZ Zenitar f/2.8 fisheye, a central shutter, and a 6×6 Zenza Bronica back.
It’s a beautiful piece of workmanship and a very inspiring project for me too. He states the lens projects a 45mm circle requiring a 6×6 back to be captured entirely.
Kyu-Hachi TABATA’s self made sky-camera
“The lens is an MC Zenitar Fish-eye 16mm F2.8 This lens is a diagonal fish-eye. So, I thought if the film size expanded to 6×6, the photo frame also expanded to full-circular fish-eye.
The lens mount of Zenitar is M42, so, simple screw mount. Then I made a very thin inter-ring to adapt M42 on one side and a Large format camera mount in other side.”
Large format camera (Copal No, 1)
size and weight:
(only body) w104mm x h105mm x d130mm 308g
(zenitar lens) 288g
(120 film back) 388g
(total) 984g
The camera page:
The making of: